Third System Review of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research: The International Research Partnership for Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture
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Report of the third system review of the CGIAR, conducted during 1997 and '98 by a panel chaired by Maurice Strong. The document contains the comments of CGIAR Chairman Ismail Serageldin introducing the report to participants at CGIAR International Centers Week 1998, and a transmittal from the review panel chair. The panel analyzed key issues facing the CGIAR in the late 1990s. Its report offers 29 recommendations pertaining to CGIAR research strategies and priorities, partnerships, governance, and systemwide and center funding.Five annexes provide an overview of CGIAR committees; a brief analysis of committee effectiveness; statistical notes illustrating the increasing cost and expanding requirements of CGIAR meetings; tables showing funding sources, funding gaps, and World Bank funding in recent years; and brief biographies of the members of the System Review Panel, sub panels, and the Review Secretariat. The review was discussed at length at ICW 98, and decisions were taken at MTM 99.